Mobile Meals delivering safety for seniors

This report from Knoxville’s WVLT news discusses the Mobile Meals program and quotes program manager Paige Buchholz. Read the full article on the WVLT (Volunteer TV) website.

Heat wave especially dangerous for elderly

This report from Knoxville’s WVLT news quotes Tremaine Brown, Cecelia Waters, and Bettie Wilkie regarding efforts by CAC and the Office on Aging to assist seniors during the hottest months of the year. CAC provides fans to seniors without air conditioning, and...

Office on Aging Annual Report 2009-2010

This annual report is published by the Knoxville-Knox County CAC Office on Aging. It covers the year from July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009. Download the Office on Aging Annual Report 2009-10 If you would like more information about the Office on Aging or any of its...