Home Repair and Weatherization

CAC Housing and Energy strengthens neighborhoods by using energy efficient and cost-saving measures to repair existing housing and improve the quality of life for low to moderate income residents of Knoxville and Knox County.
Services Include:
Applicants must meet income and other eligibility requirements for all of these services. Many programs currently have waiting lists for services.

For additional information about the program, call (865) 244-3080 Monday – Friday from 8:00 A.M. – 4:45 P.M.

CAC is accessible per Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Staff uses Language Line services as needed, if an applicant has a speech impairment, has a hearing impairment, or is non-English speaking and does not have an interpreter with them.

We are located in the lower level of the Ross Building

2247 Western Avenue

(865) 244-3080 Office
(865) 544-1647 Fax

Owner-Occupied Home Repair Program

man on yellow ladder repairing house
Owner-Occupied Home Repair Program

Home Repair Services are available for eligible City of Knoxville and City of Morristown homeowners. The program works with eligible individuals and families to identify housing conditions that require repair to make the home safe, decent, and more affordable.

This program is not intended to be used for homeowners who intend to sell their property upon completion of repairs.

General Eligibility Requirements:

  • The applicant agrees to fulfill all program terms and conditions.
  • The household income must be at or below current 80% of area median income.
  • Must own the home and it must be your primary residence.
  • Single Family Site Built or Manufactured (Mobile) Homes.
  • Condos and duplexes are acceptable as long as the repairs are not common interest of attached residences.
  • Meet property tax requirement

For additional information about the program, call (865) 244-3080 Monday – Friday from 8:00 A.M. – 4:45 P.M.

Lead-Safe and Healthy Homes Program

Knoxville Lead-Safe and Healthy Homes Program

The Knoxville Lead-Safe and Healthy Homes Program is designed to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately-owned rental and owner-occupied housing.


General Eligibility Requirements:
  • The applicant agrees to fulfill all program terms and conditions.
  • The unit must be located within the City of Knoxville.
  • The unit must have been built prior to 1978.
  • Owner-occupied or rental-occupied unit
  • Owner-occupied units must have one of the following:
    • a child under the age of 6 who resides in the unit, or
    • a child under the age of 6 who spends a “significant amount of time” in the unit, or
    • a pregnant woman who resides in the unit
  • Rental units do not require a qualifying child occupant at the time of assistance.
  • Rental units do require landlord permission.
  • Vacant Rental units are eligible for assistance as well.
  • Total household income must be below 80% of Area Median Income.

For additional information about the program, call (865) 244-3080 Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:45 PM

training house

Training House

The Knoxville – Knox County Community Action Committee Training House is designed to train participants in the newest weatherization, lead safety, and home repair techniques. Its unique design allows one to see the different types of construction and to model a variety of training scenarios.

For additional information about scheduling the training house or upcoming trainings,
call (865) 244-3080 Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:45 PM.

Septic Repair Program

Across Knox County approximately 150-200 septic system failures are inspected per year by the Knox County Health Department. Of these, approximately 15-20 are owned by households that are unable to pay for the repairs due to financial hardships.  

CAC Housing and Energy Services Department, in partnership with the Knox County Health Department, is providing support for the Septic Repair Program.  CAC Housing and Energy will provide administrative support in the form of receiving, reviewing, and approving documentation relating to eligibility verification.

Please contact the Knox County Health Department at (865) 215-5000 to see if you are eligible to apply.

Water Savings Program

The Water Savings Program (WSP) improves the quality of life for residents by increasing the water and energy efficiency. Participants receive an in-home assessment to determine needs.

WSP services may include water efficient toilet installation, low-flow shower head, faucet / spigot replacement, point repair for water leaks as indicated by excessive high water consumption, LED light bulbs, and other similar utility conservation products.

General Eligibility Requirements:

  • The applicant agrees to fulfill all program terms and conditions.
  • Owner occupied or tenant occupied.
  • Rental units require landlord permission.
  • Household income must meet income requirements.

For additional information about the program, call (865) 244-3080 Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:45 PM.

Weatherization & Energy Efficiency Program

Weatherization & Energy Efficiency Program

CAC’s Weatherization & Energy Efficiency Program aims to reduce the energy costs of low-income families. Approved homes will receive an energy efficiency audit to review how to reduce home energy costs and increase home energy efficiency. Activities include: energy efficiency audit, insulation, caulking, and other related activities to reduce home energy costs and increase home energy efficiency.

How Does Weatherization Work?

CAC Weatherization’s professionally trained auditors evaluate single-family homes, multi-family dwellings, and mobile homes. The Weatherization audit determines which energy efficiency measures are appropriate, emphasizing the most cost-effective measures and those which are essential for the health and safety of the occupants. 

General Eligibility Requirements:

  • The applicant agrees to fulfill all program terms and conditions.
  • Household income must meet income requirements.
  • Owner occupied or tenant occupied.
  • Tenant-occupied units require landlord permissions.
  • Site-built or manufactured (mobile) homes.
  • Single-family or multi-family units.

For more information about the programs, call (865) 244-3080 Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:45 PM.


What Are the Benefits of Weatherization?

  • Reduces energy costs for families.
  • Creates greater flexibility in household spending choices
  • Provides education in energy-efficient practices.
  • Addresses safety concerns.
  • Improves health outcomes.

What Are 5 Things We Can All Do To Weatherize?

  1. Turn down your HVAC by a few degrees.
  2. Use insulating curtains.
  3. Shut doors when not in a room.
  4. Move furniture off vents.
  5. Change air duct filters regularly.

Contractor Opportunities

training house

Licensed Contractor Opportunities

Special Event: Unlock new opportunties for your business!

Over the past 11 years, CAC has invested over $11,000,000 in contracting with local businesses to weatherize, repair, and abate lead-based paint in low-to-moderate-income homes. We’d love to partner with you to continue strengthening neighborhoods. Join us for a special presentation to discuss how you can become an approved contractor with CAC’s Housing & Energy Services Department, Friday, October 18, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Ross Building, 2247 Western Avenue. Use the button below to learn more.

The CAC Housing and Energy utilizes qualified licensed contractors to implement services in our programs. Services include home repair, water efficiency and leak repairs, weatherization assistance, and lead hazard control.

Businesses including minority-owned, women-owned, and Section 3 businesses are encouraged to participate.

For additional information about contracting with CAC, call (865) 244-3080 Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:45 PM

CAC Housing & Energy is grateful to our funding partners for providing support in response to the needs in our community. Projects may be funded in part by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grants, HUD Home Investment partnership Act, HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, U.S. Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program, the City of Knoxville, Knox County, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund of East Tennessee Foundation with support from the City of Knoxville, the City of Morristown, Knoxville Utilities Board, East Tennessee Development District, Tennessee Housing Development Agency and/or local funding.

Our Impact