Get Assistance

Homelessness, Eviction Prevention, and Housing Assistance:

Getting a Job

Preschool and Family Services:

Senior Services


Tax Preparation & Benefits:

Home Repair and Weatherization

CAC has over sixty programs that can assist you with your needs or with finding help for a loved one. For a full list of CAC programs, you can download our Service Directory.

East Tennessee 2-1-1 serves as one of several call centers that work to provide Tennessee with a statewide information and referral system. You can reach your local call center by dialing 2-1-1 or, if calling from out of the service area (865) 215-4211. Services can also be accessed from the internet portal ( 2-1-1 provides free, confidential, multilingual information and referral services that connect the residents of East Tennessee to a full range of community, social, health, and government services.

Typical callers to 2-1-1 are those in need of services for themselves or for children, to the financially disadvantaged of all ages, to teachers, social workers, judges, nurses, doctors, and other social service professionals working to meet the complex needs of their clients or of their own lives.