Download the KKCHS Annual Report 2008-2009
Head Start is a national program that provides comprehensive child development services to economically disadvantaged children and families, with a focus on assisting preschoolers to develop the social, emotional, early literacy and math skills they need to be successful in school.
Knoxville-Knox County Head Start (KKCHS) began in the summer of 1965 and currently serves 860 preschool children and 32 infants/toddlers and their families. This includes children with disabilities, dual language learners, foster children, and other special populations. KKCHS preschool programs and services are provided at six centers, with one center additionally providing a full day option to parents qualifying for a child care certificate. Early Head Start services are also provided at one center. The program served less than 1% of the eligible infants/toddlers and 46% of the eligible preschoolers in Knox County during the 2008-2009 school year.*
Head Start programs promote school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services.
We engage parents as the child’s primary teachers and help them to make progress towards educational, literacy, and employment goals. Significant emphasis is placed on parent involvement in the
administration of KKCHS.
We Served…
…1035 children during the 08-09 school year ~10 children less than age one, 12 one-year olds, 14 two-year olds, 454 three-year olds, and 543 four-year olds. 887 spoke English in the home, 124 spoke Spanish, 8 spoke Middle Eastern or South Asian Languages, 6 spoke East Asian Languages, 4 spoke African Languages, 3 spoke Native Central American, South American or Mexican Languages, and 3 spoke European or Slavic Languages. We served 958 families ~ 304 two-parent families and 654 single-parent families. 566 had one or more parents employed and 652 had a parent with a High School diploma, GED, or higher.
* figures taken from Kids Count 2007